Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Word Study: Sympathy vs. Compassion

I've long mused over the difference between sympathy and compassion.  Going to the dictionary, sympathy is sharing like feelings, good or bad.  Compassion is a sharing of someone's suffering with a compelling desire to alleviate that suffering.  The example I have in my mind is this:

 A man is walking down the street, trying to carry a piano on his back all by himself.  The piano tips irregularily and causes him to veer this way and that, endangering others.  The man is sweating bullets and is really struggling under the burden.  Sympathy, a frequent bystander, says, "Gosh, that's quite a burden you've got there.  That must be a real struggle.  I'm sorry you're in that predicament" and is usually reluctant to help in any truly meaningful way.  Compassion, a rare friend, on the other hand, rushes forward and picks up one end of the piano, helping the man to his destination cheerfully, happy to help, no expectation of return.

Where it gets tricky, is when the man carries the same piano down the same street day after day wanting the attention from the crowd of "sympathizers".  The pain of the burden is mildly soothed by the attention of the crowd, the crowd is happy to justify their lack of real involvement by the man's enjoyment of their half-hearted sympathies. Compassion rushes forward and the man resists the help, because he will no longer receive the constant attention of the multitude of sympathizers.   Even worse, is when the man says, "Friend, I don't want your help, just your attention". Carrying that piano everyday has become the man's purpose, the pain his identity, so that much so that his fear of losing the shallow love of the sympathizers tied to this false purpose and identity prevents him from allowing compassion to open him up to his true purpose, true identity and true love, that can only come from God. Compassion is then forced to stand idly by, refusing to become a sympathizer.  The great thing about compassion, though, is that it never gives up.  It will keep walking down that street every day, ready to jump in when the man is ready for real help.

In spiritual terms, I believe sympathy is earthly, whereas compassion is spirit granted.  There have been plenty of times where I have felt driven and compelled to help someone in some manner, when my sensibilities said otherwise.  I have had occasion to be graced with unimaginable assistance, completely unexpected and illogical on earthly terms.  Oftentimes, you are overcome with the spirit of compassion and you just don't even think about it.  It's unquestionable and you find your self graced with the impossible, whether giving or receiving in the act of compassion. 

Please allow the spirit of compassion to grace your life.  Be willing to answer when it calls you to act and be willing to receive when it lays gifts at your feet.

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