I'm a huge fan and practician of
vision boards. I started my first vision board after reading "The Secret", as a part of a work related focus/networking group. At the time, I thought the book was a lot of hooey, but being a visual thinker the vision board idea caught like wildfire for me. My first board was a modest one foot by two feet, demure thin black frame. I tentatively added one or two images a week, never really completely filling it up. My images included materialistic things mostly, or image conscious things with the occasional wistful hope for my mostly hopeless life.
Today my vision board takes up the better part of one of my bedroom walls, it's sturdy, with a wide, decorative red frame (red is my favorite color!). I often remove everything and spend an entire day filling it up until I run out of space...overflowing onto the wall around it. My most recent re-vision :) includes almost nothing material, every image and word on the board is related or connected to a principle. And yes, Faith, Hope, Love and Grace are central themes. My metamorphosis is physically, emotionally and spiritually awe-striking and deeply humbling.
I started my first board over three years ago. I placed the impossible on that board. Today, I'm 70 pounds lighter, I'm single, free of a harmful marriage, I'm financially at ease, I'm on speaking terms with God again......and I wake up with joy every single morning. I really do, there are no more mornings of dread and disappointment. My first vision board was a conglomeration of unconscious, unspoken prayers. Things I know needed to change in my life, but I was at a complete loss as to how to make those changes happen. Today my vision board is clear, conscious, detailed, specific intentions about the person I want to be. My teenage boys even put things on my board, because they've seen results in my life.

I truly believe that God has a plan for us, and that part of that plan is us being fulfilled, happy individuals. It's ok for us to ask for what we want. God knows our heart, He knows our intentions and He knows what we need. He is an expert at reading between the lines of our hopes and fears. Maybe we ask for a million dollars...He knows we are asking for financial security. We may not receive a million dollars, but we will receive abundance in a million different ways. We may ask for new clothes, a fancy car, a big house. What He hears is that we want to feel good about ourselves. We may not receive materialistic goods, but we may receive an opportunity to better ourselves emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Recently I went through a book with a handful of other people in a workshop. I think the single most important lesson I learned from this experience was the importance of setting goals, of setting the intention to fulfill that goal and then letting go of the outcome. I know it sounds contradictory. But it goes back to sharing our hopes, fears and desires with God, being willing to do the footwork while being accepting of whatever possible outcome God has in store for us. In my personal experience, God's answers to my prayers, conscious and unconscious, spoken and unspoken always far exceed any expectation I ever have. And one of the best side effects is not having to worry, or be fearful, or be stressed out. My heart is right, I'm doing my utmost best, the rest is happily in God's hands.
So go make a vision board, I dare ya. ;). It has been my most profound lesson in Faith, thus far.