My more distant past had me in a place where I could financially give. My recent past had me in a place where I had to learn to receive. I'm now enjoying a place where I can give again. Our society and culture assign a much different connotation to giving than receiving. For the most part it is often openly vocalized that it's "good" to give to others less fortunate. The unspoken part of that equation is that it's "bad" to be in a position to need that sort of assistance and to even ask for assistance when we need it. Under the guise of doing good, many givers use giving as a way to stroke their own egos, to feel better about themselves, often making their efforts public or bragging about it. There's no more selfish way of going about what should be an unselfish act. I can say that I was very guilty of this sort of giving in my past.
It wasn't until I was in position of needing help that I learned the true spirit of giving. Early in my single-motherhood, I had a serious back injury and had no choice but to let other people give. They had to give me sponge baths, they had to do my dirty laundry, they had to cook in my kitchen. They had to drive me around, lend me money, pay my bills and "hold my hair" when pain meds made me sick. I had no choice but to receive. It very much bruised my ego, made me feel very needy and burdensome. It did not take long for me to learn the humble spirit of receiving resides in gratitude. If I denied help or was resentful and ungrateful, I actually hurt the ones that were trying to help me the most. I needed the help so I had to very quickly swallow my pride and give the only thing I had in return...gratitude.
At the same time I was very much struggling with money-control issues left over from my marriage. Money stress had been making me crazy and I would make fear based decisions that left me broke, financially, spiritually and emotionally. As I prayed for more paychecks, my day to day needs were quietly met through gifts of food, gift cards, small gifts of cash, medical bills being forgiven, etc. It was through other people's giving that I gained lessons of faith, gratitude and humility.
I'm now, very gratefully in a position to be giving to others, and God has provided opportunity to help make a difference in lives close to mine. But my giving this time is very different. It isn't about me and my ego, it's about what the person receiving truly needs. Sometimes it's cash, sometimes it's a full gas tank, sometimes it's a hot meal, sometimes it's just an ear and a shoulder. But now that my ego is out of the way, I can give my whole self to the opportunity, and meet the true need. The gift is not the money or food, the gift is the acceptance and non-judgemental support. What I gain in return is learning the value of gracious giving, of learning how to meet the needs of others out of love and acceptance, not fear and rejection.
Do not feel bad about needing. Givers can't give without someone needing their gift. It's a two way street, receivers need givers, givers need receivers. Again, do not feel bad about needing, do not feel resentful about are not giving/receiving actual items like food and clothing and money. What you are giving and receiving is the opportunity to learn deeper meanings of the spiritual truths of unselfishness, humility, compassion, gratitude, grace and love. You are being God's instrument of their spiritual growth. Deny giving or receiving from one another, you deny God's gifts. If you can have this understanding, then you don't expect repayment for your giving..because in your giving you have already received abundantly in spirit. All you hope for is that whomever received your gift will in turn give to someone else in need....and there is always someone in more need than you.
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